
5G 的应用场景及其性能需求

系统的峰值速率一直是受关注的焦点,从2G,3G一直到4G,无不如此。而从LTE-Advanced Pro开始(R13)一直到作为万物互连的5G系统的可关注的点就比以前多很多了,这是因为从3GPP Release13开始引入了M2M业务,相应的NB-IoT和Catm1作为物联网平台被引入蜂窝系统。而5G则要延续物联网技术和移动宽带业务并进行了大量扩展。

1.ITU-R IMT for 2020 and beyond定义了5G的三个主要应用场景:

- eMBB (enhanced Mobile BroadBand)

- mMTC(massive Machine Type Communications)

- URLLC(Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications)

2. 基于这些应用场景定义了多个部署场景,这些场景的性能要求如下:

2.1 高速率和高吞吐密度的场景High datarates and traffic densities

5G系统的多个场景要求支持非常高的数据速率和吞吐密度.这些场景涉及到多个业务区域: 市区和郊区(urban and rural areas), 办公室和家(office and home)以及一些特殊的部署场景比如大规模采集系统,广播,住宅区,还有高速汽车等. 这些场景的简单定义如下:

- 市区宏覆盖场景Urbanmacro

- 郊区宏覆盖Ruralmacro

- 室内覆盖热点Indoorhotspot

- 拥塞场景下的宽带接入 Broadband accessin a crowd—用于异常高密度拥塞场景比如体育赛事,音乐会等.,在这个场景下的用户由于想和他们的朋友共享他们所看到听到的现场演出而产生的上行的资源需求远高于下行.

- 密集城区覆盖Denseurban

- 广播类业务覆盖Broadcast-likeservices

- 高速铁路覆盖High-speedtrain

- 高速路覆盖High-speedvehicle

- 飞机连接 Airplanes connectivity 这个场景用于为飞机内的乘客提供直接的或者机内的站点连接.



一些5G的业务场景要求非常低的延迟和非常高的可靠性来支持. 整体的端到端的业务延迟依赖于包括空中接口的延迟,5G系统内部传输,从5G出口到应用服务器以及各段数据处理和转发消耗的时延等部分。这些因素大部分依赖于5G系统自身,然后对于其他方面可能需要优化5G系统和业务间互联以及5G系统外的业务和服务器的连接。


- 运动控制 Motioncontrol – 传统的motion control 有特殊的延迟,可靠性和可用性要求。提供motion control的系统一般部署在特定的地理区域,但是部署的区域范围可能比较大(比如城市或者国家范围内的网络),而且通常只有授权用户可以访问。并且和其他网络或者网络资源隔离开。

- 离散型自动处理系统 Discrete automation – Discrete automation 有特殊的延迟,可靠性和可用性要求。提供Discrete automation的系统一般部署在特定的地理区域,但是部署的区域范围可能比较大(比如城市或者国家范围内的网络),而且通常只有授权用户可以访问。并且和其他网络或者网络资源隔离开。

- 工序流程自动化系统 Processautomation –Process automation 要求通信业务具有高可用性。支持 process automation业务的系统通常部署在限定的地理区域,通常只有授权的用户可以访问他们且通常服务于私有网络。

- 自动配电系统Automation for electricity distribution(mainly medium and high voltage). 自动配电系统要求通信业务的高可用性。作为社会基础设施,配电系统根植并深深浸透在公共区域,当然也是通过私有网络来提供业务。

- 智能运输系统 Intelligenttransport systems – 基于街区交通流量的自动调度系统。

- 触觉交互系统 Tactileinteraction – 触觉交互系统定义为人类通过触觉和环境,人,或者控制的UE进行交互操作,这个操作依赖于触觉反馈。

- 远程控制Remote control 。

其他的需求Other requirements


运动的光子延迟Motion-to-photons latency是一个用户的运动需要充分反映在显示屏上的时间。它之所以重要有两个主要的原因:


- 在用户速率250Mbps时运动光子延迟范围7-15ms ,并且,

- 运动声音延迟motion-to-sound latency小于20ms

为了支持完成语音对话过程中的交互任务,5G系统需要支持低延迟的语音编码 (100 ms, one way mouth-to-ear)。


- 音频延迟<125ms-5ms> 且

- 音频提前<45ms-5ms>.

2.3高精度定位Higher-accuracy positioning






峰值速率Peak data rate


Peakdata rate is the highest theoretical data rate which is the receiveddata bits assuming error-free conditions assignable to a single mobile station,when all assignable radio resources for the corresponding link direction areutilised (i.e., excluding radio resources that are used for physical layersynchronisation, reference signals or pilots, guard bands and guard times).


峰值频谱效率Peak Spectral efficiency

最高频谱效率(Peak spectral efficiency)就是单位带宽传输频道上每秒可传输的最大比特数。

Peak spectral efficiency is the highesttheoretical data rate (normalised by bandwidth), which is the received databits assuming error-free conditions assignable to a single mobile station, whenall assignable radio resources for the corresponding link direction areutilised (i.e., excluding radio resources that are used for physical layersynchronisation, reference signals or pilots, guard bands and guard times).



Bandwidth means the maximal aggregated total system bandwidth. It may besupported by single or multiple RF carriers.


控制面延迟 Control plane latency


Control plane latency refers to the timeto move from a battery efficient state (e.g., IDLE) to start of continuous datatransfer (e.g., ACTIVE).


对于卫星通信链路的控制面延迟要求比较特殊:GEO和HEO情况下为600ms (RTT),MEO情况下为180ms,而对于LEO的卫星系统则要求50ms。

用户面延迟User plane latency

The time it takes to successfully deliver an application layerpacket/message from the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU ingress point to the radioprotocol layer 2/3 SDU egress point via the radio interface in both uplink anddownlink directions, where neither device nor Base Station reception isrestricted by DRX.

对于URLLC, 目标上行和下行用户面延迟均是0.5ms .

对于eMBB, 目标上行和下行用户面延迟均是4ms。

对于卫星通信链路的控制面延迟要求比较特殊:GEO和HEO情况下为600ms (RTT),MEO情况下为180ms,而对于LEO的卫星系统则要求50ms。

不常见的小包延迟Latency forinfrequent small packets

For infrequent application layer small packet/messagetransfer, the time it takes to successfully deliver an application layerpacket/message from the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU ingress point at themobile device to the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU egress point in the RAN, whenthe mobile device starts from its most "battery efficient" state.

对于20byte的上行包, 这个延迟应不差于10s .

移动中断时间Mobility interruption time

Mobilityinterruption time means the shortest time duration supported by the system duringwhich a user terminal cannot exchange user plane packets with any base stationduring transitions.



系统间的移动性Inter-system mobility

Inter-system mobility refers to theability to support mobility between the IMT-2020 system and at least one IMTsystem.

可靠性 Reliability

Reliabilitycan be evaluated by the success probability of transmitting X byteswithin a certain delay, which is the time it takes todeliver a small data packet from the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU ingress pointto the radio protocol layer 2/3 SDU egress point of the radio interface, at acertain channel quality (e.g., coverage-edge).

通常的URLLC可靠性需求是1-10-5(for 32 bytes with a user plane latency of 1ms)


- 可靠性Reliability = 1-10-5, 且用户面延迟 user plane latency = 3-10 msec, (for direct communication viasidelink and communication range of (e.g., a few meters))

- 可靠性Reliability = 1-10-5, 且用户面user plane latency = 3-10 msec,(the packet is relayed via BS.)

目标通信范围和考考性需求依赖于部署和运作的场景和环境 ,比如汽车间的平均速度).


MaxCL in uplink and downlink between device andBase Station site (antenna connector(s)) for a data rate of 160bps, where the data rate is observed at theegress/ingress point of the radio protocol stack in uplink and downlink.


极限覆盖Extreme Coverage

Thecoupling loss is defined as the total long-term channel loss over the linkbetween the UE antenna ports and the eNode B antenna ports, and includes inpractice antenna gains, path loss, shadowing, body loss, etc. The MaxCL is the limit value ofthe coupling loss at which the service can be delivered, and therefore definesthe coverage of the service. The MaxCL is independent of the carrier frequency. It is defined in theUL and DL as:

- UL MaxCL = UL Max Tx power - eNBSensitivity

- DL MaxCL = DL Max Tx power - UESensitivity



对于一个下行2Mbps/上行60kbps(用户出于静止状态)的基本的MBB业务来说,目标连接损耗是140dB. 而对于移动用户来说384kbps是可接受的.


UE电池寿命UE battery life

UEbattery life can be evaluated by the battery life of the UE withoutrecharge. For mMTC, UE battery life in extreme coverage shall be based on theactivity of mobile originated data transfer consisting of 200bytes UL per day followed by 20bytes DL from MaxCL of 164dB,assuming a stored energy capacity of 5Wh.


UE能量效率UE energy efficiency

UEenergy efficiency means the capability of a UE to sustain much better mobilebroadband data rate while minimizing the UE modem energy consumption.

